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This is the Official website of the Magi Society and the only authorized website for Magi Astrology™ | ||||
October 30, 2018
For a long time, astrologers have known that whenever we begin anything, like get married or begin a job, we are creating an astrological chart of our action and the birth chart of the time and day we initiated the activity is the astrological chart of that activity.
So if a couple got married on July 1, 2018, the birth chart of July 1, 2018 is the astrological chart of that marriage.
Whenever we do anything for the first time we are creating an astrological chart.
In Magi Astrology, we created the term “natalize” to refer to the action of creating a birth chart when we do something for the first time. So when a couple gets married on July 1, 2018, they natalized their marriage chart on July 1, 2018 and depending on whether the birth chart was good or not, then the natalization was either a good natalization or a bad one.
[In addition, another criteria for whether or not the marriage natalization is good or bad is whether or not the couple were having good or bad transits on their wedding day.]
This means that you can easily use our website to avoid big mistakes and greatly improve your chances of real success:
For over 15 years, the Magi Society has provided free information on our websites that informs you which days each month are the Best and Worst astrological days. (Click here to know which are the best and worst astrological days of each month.)
If you only take half our advice seriously (by not initiating or beginning anything important on the worst astrological days) then just doing that will improve your life.
For example, Brett Kavanaugh was nominated to the supreme court on July 9, 2018 which was a very bad astrological day – our website listed July 8, 9, 10, and 11 as being among the worst astrological days of July 2018. Whenever anything is natalized during the beginning of a streak of bad astrological days, there will be unexpected bad problems.
If you begin something on a really bad astrological day, whatever you natalized has the potential of attracting “bad luck.”
If you sign a mortgage agreement on a bad astrological day, you will almost surely either be unable to pay off the mortgage or the house you buy will have problems you never dreamed of – like you will end up with neighbors from hell, or your house will have leaks and leaks and leaks. Or you have to sell the house at a loss, etc. You get the picture.
If you open a brokerage account on a bad astrological day, you will find it nearly impossible to make money in that account over the long term – you make a little and then lose much more than you made and this pattern repeats itself over and over.
If you sign a monthly rent check on a bad astrological day, for the next month you will have less enjoyment living in the apartment. How? For example, your neighbors will be too noisy or you will be invaded by insects, or your refrigerator breaks down and so the food in your freezer spoils, etc.
If you have your car repaired on a bad astrological day, you will be more susceptible to accidents and the repair is not likely to last.
Even if you just pay a utility bill or make a bank deposit on a really bad astrological day, you can be hurt in unexpected ways.
So we strongly urge all of you to use our FREE Best and Worst Astrological Days information and not initiate anything on a bad astrological day.
You can improve your chances of success if you make sure you do important things only on good astrological days (and when you have good transits).
When you natalize something important on a great astrological day, you greatly improve your chances of success.
Amazon.com is a great example of this.
Amazon.com was created on November 1, 1994 and according to the principles of Magi Astrology it was a great astrological day for making money on the Internet.
If you use our free Best and Worst Astrological Days info, you may be the one to create the next Amazon.com.
Everyone knows that Amazon.com is the world’s most successful merchandising website with sales projected to exceed $200 billion this year.
The Magi Society is certain that Amazon.com is as successful as it is because of HELP FROM THE STARS - the site was created on an unbelievably fabulous astrological day – November 1, 1994.
Of course, you would have to be really knowledgeable about Magi Astrology to figure this all out. You would have to be one of our Certified Magi Astrologers to know that a small asteroid named MIDAS is the strongest FINANCIAL ASTROBODY. Only if you know this about Midas, then you would fully understand why the birth chart of Amazon.com is super powerful for selling products on the Internet.
Below is the geocentric Magi Astrology Chart of Amazon.com
Magi Astrology also uses the Heliocentric chart, and that chart for Amazon.com is shown below:
In the above charts, the astrobody Midas is signified with the letters “mi.”
The Magi Society’s research has discovered that the symbolisms of Midas include:
Greed Great wealth Extreme ability to make money The Midas Touch
In the geocentric chart, Amazon.com was created with the following three Money-making Aspects:
1. Midas is trine to Chiron 2. Midas is conjunct to Uranus 3. Midas is parallel to Venus
We call these aspects “money-making” because Chiron and Venus are financial planets, and Uranus is ruler of the Internet.
In the Heliocentric sky, Amazon.com’s birth chart has two more Money-making Aspects:
4. Midas is trine to Pluto 5. Midas is parallel to Neptune
For two decades the Magi Society has identified Venus, Chiron, Pluto and Neptune as the four Financial Planets.
Amazon.com has Midas in magical linkage to all four Financial Planets plus Uranus (ruler of the Internet). Uranus is also ruler of “the world” and “the public.” Which means the Midas/Uranus aspect in the Amazon.com birth chart is representative of “Money from the world.”
Since the Internet was invented, no other day had so many Midas-based Financial Aspects and this is the main reason Amazon.com is so successful. If Amazon.com was created on any other day, believe it or not it would not be anywhere nearly as successful as it is now.
For more than fifteen years we have posted free information on our websites about which are the best and worst astrological days of each month.
If you are not yet sure if you trust Magi Astrology, you can still make note of the worst astrological days and do not do anything important on those days – it can’t hurt to do this. It may help you avoid disaster.
But we urge you to also take advantage of the good astrological days. We cannot promise you will create the next Amazon.com but we sincerely believe it will help you to fulfill your dreams.
At the end of each month, we post the next month’s Best and Worst days on all our websites and this information is free.
If you join the Magi Society you will be able to log into our Members Only Website and obtain an extra month’s worth of Best and Worst Days.
In addition, beginning sometime before the end of the year, if you are a member in good standing of the Magi Society, you will be able to participate in Members Only Conference calls on which Certified Magi Astrologers will teach Magi Astrology principles and you may ask them questions.
We had held such conference calls regularly from 2003 until 2013 but stopped because the Master Magi of the Magi Society encountered serious health issues. But by the Grace of God, our Master Magi has become healthier and we are happy to resume the Members Only Conference Calls.
HOW TO LEARN MAGI ASTROLOGY AND GAIN THE MAGI ADVANTAGE Magi Astrology is easy to learn and is the only form of astrology that actually helps you to improve your life AND GIVE YOU THE TOOLS YOU NEED TO HARNESS THE POWER OF THE STARS. With Magi Astrology, you can hitch onto a Lucky Transit or a MAGICAL ALIGNMENT and improve your love life and your career; and you can avoid heartbreaks in both love and business. This may sound like quite an exaggeration but please judge for yourself. We have given you hundreds of examples on this website. We have written three books all of which are so coveted that they cost more as used copies than the original price. We invite you to a free download of the first 14 chapters of our third book by clicking here. Reading these chapters is the best way to begin to learn Magi Astrology. MAGI ASTROLOGY REALLY WORKS! For over a decade now, we have been able to consistently use the simple rules of Magi Astrology to explain the love life of hundreds of famous people on our websites because Magi Astrology Really Works. This website has hundreds of articles all proving Magi Astrology Really Works. NO OTHER ASTROLOGY WEBSITES GIVE ENOUGH EXAMPLES TO BACK UP THEIR THEORIES. If you would like to gain the Magi Advantage and improve your life, please consider joining the Magi Society. We are an “open” society, meaning anyone is welcome, and you are not obligated to help the society in any way if you become a member. EVERY MEMBER RECEIVES FREE SOFTWARE. Membership is just $80 for the first year and $55 for each additional year. The Magi Society is the world’s largest association of astrologers with over 5500 members in 34 countries worldwide. The Magi Society provides all of our members free software that is so versatile you can use it to cast charts for both Traditional Astrology and Magi Astrology. But only Magi Society software can help you to fully utilize Magi Astrology principles because only Magi Society software helps you see Planetary Geometry and the true alignments of the planets. Magi Society members may also purchase optional interpretations upgrades that provide not only superbly accurate interpretations but also great advice that give you the Magi Advantage. There are other valuable benefits of membership in the Magi Society. We offer a free Certification Program for our members who would like to build a career as a professional astrologer, either full time or part time. We also hold Magi Astrology Workshops by conference calls so that our members may more easily learn Magi Astrology. If you would like information on our software and/or other membership benefits, please click here and send us an email.