Financial Astrology Software
Financial Astrology
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Welcome To Stock Market Compass
(A Financial Astrology Website Of The Magi Society,
The World's Largest Organization Of Astrologers)
Click here to learn how to use Magi Astrology for financial astrology.
The main Fibonacci ratios are:
These are remarkably close to the main Planetary Motion Ratios of:
0.3877 and 0.3902
0.6151 and 0.6011
We are not claiming that Planetary Motion Ratios will make
you megabucks in stock or commodity trading.
But we do believe that Planetary Motion is one of the clues that can
help us improve our ability to predict future stock and commodity prices.
Planetary Motion is a valuable FILTER for traders and investors.
If we are correct 55% of the time using Planetary Motion
analysis as a FILTER, and if we are correct 55% of the time using technical
analysis as an ADDITIONAL FILTER, then by combining the TWO FILTERS, we would
be correct 60% of the time.
A Planetary Motion Ratio is the ratio of one planet's PERIOD
(time to revolve once around the Sun) and another planet's period. For example:
The period of Venus is 224.70 days.
The period of the Earth is 365.256 days.
The Venus/Earth Planetary Motion Ratio is = 224.7 divided by
365.256 which is:
Or just a mere 0.0029 from being exactly the same as the
Fibonacci ratio of 0.618.
The Mercury/Venus Planetary Motion Ratio is = 87.969 divided
by 224.7 which is:
Or just a mere 0.0082 from being exactly the same as the
Fibonacci ratio of 0.382
The table below lists all of the sequential Planetary Motion
Ratios. (This website is a website of the Magi Society, the world's largest association of astrologers and inventor
of Magi Astrology. Magi Astrology includes Ceres, which is now recognized by the IAU as a planet, and Chiron,
which is the most important Financial Planet in Magi Astrology.)
87.969 days (.2408 yr)
224.70 days (.6151 yr)
Mer/Ven = .3902
365.256 days
Ven/Ear = .6151
2.135 years
Ear/Mars = .4683
4.599 years
Mars/Ceres = .4642
11.86 years
Ceres/Jup = .3877
29.45 years
Jup/Sat = .4027
50.54 years
Sat/Chi = .5827
84.07 years
Chi/Ura = .6011
164.88 years
Ura/Nep = .5090
248.09 years
Nep/Plu = .6645
You can see from the above table that almost every Planetary
Motion Ratio is close to a key Fibonacci ratio. Planetary Motion Ratios create the rhythm of the planets and we
believe that planetary rhythms have a direct influence on rhythms of all of the
financial markets worldwide.
ALL OF THE ABOVE TEN PLANETARY RATIOS WORK JUST AS WELL AS ANY FIBONONACCI RATIO. In fact, the reason Fibonacci ratios work is because they are the same as Planetary Ratios.
Magi Astrology is the study of planetary rhythms.
Fibonacci is all about stock and commodity price rhythms.
We believe that Magi Astrology is the best tool for studying
stock and commodity prices.
Magi Astrology is essentially new and is very different from ordinary Traditional Astrology.
Almost all of you who are reading this have at least dabbled into using financial astrology of
the traditional kind. Almost all of you who have tried to use Traditional Financial Astrology
have been disappointed by it. Your experience probably has been that sometimes, Traditional Financial
Astrology seems to be uncanny and works perfectly BUT the trouble is it does not work enough of the
time for you to make money over the long run. Therefore, many of you have also been disenchanted
with all the popular and published techniques employed by well-known traditional financial astrologers.
Some of you who are visiting this site may have purchased financial astrology software based on
traditional astrology hoping to improve your trading ability. But you found out that such
software is as shaky as the theories they utilize and once again you were disappointed.
But nonetheless, something deep inside you still tells you to continue to investigate Financial
Astrology because you believe there is something to it. Your gut tells you that you just need
to keep looking and you will find some of the missing pieces of the astrological puzzle.
We think that you will be able to find some major pieces of the puzzle on this website and from Magi Astrology.
This is one of the websites of the Magi Society, the world's largest organization of astrologers.
(Please click here for information about the Magi Society.)
The Magi Society does not purport to have all the answers - but we do believe we have made important
discoveries in astrology and we are confident that we have more answers than anyone else does when
it comes to Financial Astrology as well as the Astrology of Love. We are confident we have found
some of the previously missing astrological clues that can help astrologers to understand the movement
of stock markets, stock prices and commodities including currencies.
In our opinion, one of the big reasons Traditional Financial Astrology is a failure is that it is woefully incomplete. A complete theory of Financial Astrology needs to take into account all of the following:
Planetary Geometry including the declinations
Heliocentric Astrology including the latitudes
The four major asteroids, especially Ceres
Planetary Synchronization
And Sedna, a planet discovered in 2003
These six astrological parameters have not been used in mainstream Financial Astrology but we have found them to be vital pieces of the puzzle of Financial Astrology. In our opinion, it is not possible for any user of financial astrology to make a profit long-term without incorporating the above six pieces of the astrological puzzle.
In order for us at the Magi Society to actually be able to utilize the above six crucial pieces of the astrological puzzle, the Magi Society has had to develop OUR OWN highly advanced Financial Astrology Computer Software. We have had to design and perfect our own software because there simply was not any software available from anywhere else that successfully and correctly incorporated all the new vital astrological data. We named our Financial Astrology Program AstroFibonacci.
We were able to successfully develop and perfect AstroFibonacci - because we have had a decade of experience as a developer of computer software. Our society's unique computer software program, MagiSoft, has sold over 15,000 copies and is widely regarded by our 5000 members as the best astrology program available.
The Magi Society has used AstroFibonacci for years but the program was available only to our Board Members and our Permanent Members. Because the AstroFibonacci program had been so helpful, the Board of Governors of the Magi Society authorized the society to develop a commercial version of AstroFibonacci that would be available to the general public.
To help anyone who buys AstroFibonacci to gain the most benefit from the program, the AstroFibonacci program is packaged with unrivaled support including:
1. Lessons on Financial Astrology.
2. Access to databases filled with financial astrology data.
3. Conference calls for our software users to learn and exchange ideas.
The basic version of AstroFibonacci costs $655 and gives you the capability of utilizing all six types of astrological information listed earlier. AstroFibonacci allows you to do in depth research that you could not do before, and that you cannot do with any other software from anywhere else.
Below is a sample screen shot of AstroFibonacci.
Click here to enlarge the image below
The stock chart below is for the S&P 500 index starting from mid-2007 and ending December 18, 2009. The chart includes the October 2007 high, the March 2009 low and the rally from that low.
In the chart, we have drawn Astro Fibonacci lines (Planetary Ratios) in red using the October 2007 high and the March 2009 low.
The chart is drawn by AstroFibonacci's Super Fibonacci upgrade and shows how perfectly Planetary Ratios worked on the S&P 500. Each red line represents a different Planetary Ratio. Note how often the S&P 500 touched those lines as it zigzagged upwards after the March 2009 low. This means Astro Fibonacci Really Works!
Click here to enlarge the image below
Click here if you would like to read about details of our AstroFibonacci program.
If you would like more information about the Magi Society or our Financial Astrology software programs, please click here and send us an email.