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June 22, 2012
On July 4, the United States will be celebrating its 236th birthday.
In 2008, during the financial meltdown in the US, America-haters, especially in the Euro Zone, predicted the destruction and fall of the United States and the total collapse of the American economy.
But now every major stock market around the world has taken a real tumble this year, except for the US markets. Europe is heading toward financial chaos and Europeans are asking America to bail them out.
Okay, we are not in great shape ourselves, but we are a lot better off than Europe.
Who should we thank for the relatively strong America?
We should thank America's founding fathers, and in particular, we should thank Benjamin Franklin because he was the world's best astrologer and he made certain that both the United States and the US Constitution were born on fabulous astrological days.
The astrological chart of the United States is the strongest and most blessed chart the Magi Society has ever analyzed.
The astrological chart of the United States Constitution is also extraordinarily powerful.
To back up what we have just written, let us start with proof Benjamin Franklin was at least a serious astrologer.
There is a lot about Benjamin Franklin that history books do not tell us.
Ben Franklin had many great virtues but above all he was a humanitarian extraordinaire; he was the first signer of the Declaration of Independence to free his slaves.
Late in life when he was one of America's most powerful men, Ben Franklin used his power to forcefully advocate for the abolition of slavery. As the president of a Quaker founded anti-slavery society, Ben Franklin proposed a plan that would help to "instruct, to advise, to qualify those who have been restored to freedom, for the exercise and enjoyment of civil liberty; to promote in them habits of industry, to furnish them with employment suited to their age, sex, talents, and other circumstances. . . which we conceive will essentially promote the public good, and the happiness of these hitherto much neglected fellow-creatures."
That is Ben's humanitarian side - now let's look at his astrologer side.
Ben was born in 1706. He began to publish Poor Richard's Almanack in 1733 at the age of 27, and continued to publish the Almanack for 26 years until 1758. Ben published one Almanack each year. When Ben stopped publishing the Almanack at the age of 52, he had devoted half his life toward its publication.
Previously on this website, we offered incontrovertible proof Poor Richard's Almanack was essentially entirely devoted to astrology. Please click the link below to read what we have previously written.
The above link should be ample proof that Benjamin Franklin was a serious astrologer,
The Magi Society recently obtained a complete copy of all 26 issues of Benjamin Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanack; we have every page of every issue.
Below is a photo of the cover of the last issue published:
As you can easily see from the cover, Poor Richard's Almanack was designed to be an astrological ephemeris with astrological advice.
The 1758 issue of Poor Richard's Almanack was 36 pages including the four pages that comprise the cover. Twenty-four of the pages were devoted entirely to astrological and planetary information, two pages for each of the twelve months. For example:
The above photo may be hard to read so below is and enlarged part of the first page of Ben Franklin's astrological data for June 1758:
Here is how we read the data on each page like the ones above. The second line of the photo above tells us that on June 7 (which is the day 4 of the week), the Sun rises at 4:38 and sets at 7:22, the moon is at 9 degrees of Cancer AND there is a conjunction of Sun and Mercury
Benjamin Franklin regularly used the word "with" to mean conjunction - for example on June 19, "Moon with Jupiter" means Moon was conjunct to Jupiter (Franklin also would use the abbreviation "w" to mean "with").
Benjamin Franklin also made weather predictions based on the planetary aspects - for example, for June 15, he predicted "rain."
For June 13, Franklin noted that Saturn "rises 11:37" meaning that you can look at the horizon at night and find Saturn rising just above the horizon at 11:37 PM. For June 17, Franklin predicted that Venus would rise at the horizon at 2:13 AM.
On the right-hand page, Poor Richard's Almanack gave its readers an ephemeris of all known planets for the entire month, the exact timing of the phases of the moon, and a lot more astrological information.
Benjamin Franklin did not have computers; he did not even have a calculator.
Do you have any idea how long it must have taken for Benjamin Franklin to make such calculations for an entire year's worth of such precise astrological data?
It must have taken months. Obviously, Benjamin Franklin was a serious astrologer - one can even justifiably say Benjamin Franklin was a fanatical astrologer because only such people would have known how to make the types of astrological calculations that he must have made to produce the data he did every year for 26 years.
But there is more. Below is a picture of two pages from the 1753 issue of Benjamin Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanack:
Every issue of Poor Richard's Almanack provided precise information about every solar and lunar eclipse for the year.
Any intelligent and honest person who has actually examined entire copies of Poor Richard's Almanack would have to conclude that Benjamin Franklin was a serious and expert astrologer.
The Magi Society believes that Benjamin Franklin used his astrological expertise to select the exact day and time for both the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the ratification of the Constitution of the United States, as well as dozens of other crucial natalizations for his beloved American democracy.
Below are the geocentric Magi Astrology Charts of the birth of the United States (which is the same as the signing of the Declaration of Independence) and the birth of the United States as a democratic union of states (which is the same as the ratification of the United States Constitution).
Geocentric Magi Astrology chart of Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776:
In the above chart, we only show the planets that Ben Franklin was aware of, so there is no Uranus, no Neptune, etc.
And below is the geocentric Magi Astrology chart of the ratification of the United States Constitution.
The Declaration of Independence was signed when Jupiter was parallel the Sun, Venus and Mars.
The Constitution of the United States was ratified when Jupiter was parallel the Sun and Mercury.
This is not in any way a coincidence - Ben Franklin planned all of this by using his expertise in astrology - Ben Franklin knew about the power of the declinations and used this knowledge to help make certain that America was born under the best possible astrological alignments.
(As a kicker, when the US Constitution was ratified, Congress agreed that the Constitution would take effect on March 4, the following year. Once again, the expert astrological hand of Ben Franklin was at work - on March 4, the Sun would be trine and making a magical angle to the natal Sun of the Declaration of Independence.)
We can understand the various meanings of the multi-parallel alignments in the declinations of these two charts by applying the rules of interpretation set forth in the Magi Society's third book, Magi Astrology: The Key to Success in Love and Money.
In this book, we reveal that we can understand the meanings of multiple-planet parallels by utilizing the following rule of Magi Astrology:
To understand the meanings of multiple-planet magical aspects, we combine and integrate the Magi symbolisms of the planets that make up the magical aspects.
For example, the quadruple parallels of Sun, Jupiter, Mars and Venus can mean:
A nation (Sun) that is successful (Jupiter) in war (Mars) and gains possessions (Venus) because of this success.
And it can mean a nation (Sun) that is lucky (Jupiter) at war (Mars) and making money (Venus).
And it can mean a nation (Sun) that is lucky (Jupiter) at competing (Mars) at making money (Venus).
And it can mean a nation (Sun) that is just (Jupiter) and is attracted to (Venus) waging war (Mars).
And it can mean a nation (Sun) that is successful (Jupiter) at making money (Venus) from weapons (Mars) and sports (Mars).
You understand now how this works.
So the US Constitution was ratified when the planets symbolized a day (Sun) for Justice (Jupiter) in laws (Mercury).
What all this means is that Benjamin Franklin was a great Magi Astrologer and his gifts to humanity include the United States and its Constitution - two of the world's greatest legacies. This is reason enough to believe Ben Franklin was the world's greatest astrologer. And he must have known Magi principles in order to accomplish all this.
Magi Astrology is easy to learn and is the only form of astrology that actually helps you to improve your life. You can use it to form a corporation or start a job that will change your life remarkably for the better. With Magi Astrology, you can improve your love life and your career; and you can avoid heartbreaks in both love and business. This may sound like quite an exaggeration but please judge for yourself. We invite you to a free download of the first 14 chapters of our third book by clicking here. Reading these chapters is the best way to begin to learn Magi Astrology.
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