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This is the Official website of the Magi Society and the only authorized website for Magi Astrology™ | ||||
October 8, 2019
We have all had the following type of experience many times:
Why did this happen?
The answers are always in the stars and the reason is there was a Cosmic Storm the planets were aligned chaotically and caused problems when there should not have been any problems.
Here is another example of something that all of us have experienced more than a few times:
Why did this happen?
The answers are always in the stars and the reason is there was a Cosmic Storm the planets were aligned chaotically and caused Cosmic Disturbances in the Earths energy field and that somehow made us do something that made things worse.
Cosmic Storms impair our judgment, and if we are having bad transits at the same time, we sometimes make mistakes we normally do not make.
It is so helpful to know whenever there are Cosmic Storms so the Magi Society developed dynamic websites that tell you hour by hour when there are Cosmic Storms for every time zone.
The Magi Society CosmicStorm Alert System is an ACTIVITIES planner designed to help make your life smoother, more enjoyable, more successful and less stressful.
We believe we can improve your life by informing you when the stars are against you so you can avoid fighting the stars. By using our CosmicStorm System you can sidestep the bad stars by not doing certain types of things whenever there are really bad cosmic storms. This will reduce your chances of being blindsided by unexpected problems.
Sounds like a preposterous claim right? But please try it! It is free. We know how it sounds and that is why we let you try it for free and see for yourselves.
Use our websites and CosmicStorm system to find out what hours each day have the worst cosmic storms.
To improve your life, when there are bad cosmic storms:
You should avoid strenuous physical exertion because you are more susceptible to injury during Cosmic Storms.
You should not try to engage someone in a serious discussion about an important matter because the chances of reaching an agreement are greatly reduced during Cosmic Storms.
You should avoid tackling a problem or take decisive action.
Cosmic Storm hours are the hours each day when you will be least productive
Cosmic Storms even influence your lovemaking.
Your judgment is least clear and at its worst during cosmic storms so avoid making important decisions during cosmic storms.
At the top of the homepage of all of our sites you will see three colored wheels these three wheels are the CosmicStorm Alert System and provide three days of cosmic storm data today, tomorrow and yesterday.
The data in the three wheels are updated every night at midnight.
As explained elsewhere, each of our websites provides data for a specific time zone but you can click this link to enter our website that gives you CosmicStorm for any time zone.
The Three-Wheel CosmicStorm System should be pretty self-explanatory.
Each of the three wheels is a 24-hour clock and each of the 24 sections of a wheel is colored and has a number in the section that number is the Cosmic Storm level and the higher the number the worse the cosmic storms are during that hour. Similarly, the darker the color of an hour the worse the cosmic storms are for that hour.
If you click the link just below the three wheels you will enlarge all three wheels so you can read them better.
Here is something non-intuitive you need to understand:
The DIRECTION of the Cosmic Storm levels is more important than the actual numeric value of the Cosmic Storm level. Below is an illustration to help you understand what we mean.
In the above CosmicStorm Wheel, the cosmic storm level for both 1 AM and 5 AM is the same at -6. Although both 1 AM and 5 AM have the same cosmic storm level of -6, the 1 AM hour is much worse than the 5 AM hour. Here is why:
It is the DIRECTION of the cosmic storm level that counts the most.
At 1 AM the cosmic storm level is RISING AND GETTING WORSE and gets as bad as MINUS 16 at 3 AM. This makes the hours 1 AM and 2 AM really bad because the cosmic storms are getting worse and worse during those hours.
On the other hand, the cosmic storm level at 5 AM is FALLING AND GETTING BETTER until 7 AM when the level is minus 2.
So if we start to make love at 1 AM we would be pulled down by cosmic storms until 3AM. But if start to make love at 5 AM the stars keep getting better until 7 AM and we get help from the stars because the stars are getting better.
The CosmicStorm data you will be able to see on our sites are pretty good but not perfect yet but when properly used you should find them good enough and useful in maybe two of three cases.
We will continually improve the data and our goal is of course perfection.
Also please understand that the CosmicStorm data on our websites does not take into account your personal transits the CosmicStorm only uses the alignments in the sky and not your transits.
The power of great transits can sometimes overpower cosmic storms completely. So when you have great transits you do not have to pay as much attention to whether there are cosmic storms.
But we discovered that most of the time, if we have bad transits, then our transits are at their worst at times when there are bad cosmic storms.
The worse the cosmic storm is at any time then the worse our bad transits are.
So when you have bad transits it is imperative that you do not take major action during cosmic storms because you will regret it if you do.
A good rule is dont press your luck when there are bad cosmic storms.
We would like to know what you think of our CosmicStorm Alert System so we will soon be launching a blog that allows you to give us feedback.